PHP Theory

Rasmus Lerdorf - 22 November 1968
History of PHP:
1. PHP was Made by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. It was at first produced for HTTP use logging and server-side from age in Unix.
2. PHP was initially made by rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and has been in persistent advancement from that point forward PHP initially Represented individual landing page.
3. Lerdorf discharged PHP openly on June 8, 1995 to quicken the bug area and improve the code.
Syntax |
// PHP code goes here ?> |
Example program :
Advantages in php:
- Its supports Wide range of Databases.
- It is useful text processing features, and Wide variety of output styles.
- PHP uses its own memory, so the workload of the server and loading time gets reduced automatically.
There are only 32 keywords available in 'C'
Abstract | And | Array() | As |
Break | Callable | Case | Catch |
Class | Clone | Cost | Continue |
Declare | Default | die() | Do |
Echo | Else | Elseif | Empty |
Enddeclare | Endfor | Endforeach | Endif |
Endswitch | Endwhile | eval() | exit() |
Extends | Final | Finally | For |
Foreach | Function | Global | Goto |
If | Implements | Include | Include_once |
Instanceof | Insteadof | Interface | isset() |
list() | namespace() | New | Or |
Private | Protected | Public | |
Require | Require_once | Return | Static |
Switch | Throw | Trait | Try |
unset() | Use | Var | While |
Xor | Yield | yield_from |