Hypertext Markup Language
HTML attributes are special words used inside the opening tag to control the element's behaviour. Some attribute types function differently when used to modify different element types. For example, the attribute name is used by several element types, but has slightly different functions in each.
HTML attributes generally appear as name-value pairs, separated by =, and are written within the start tag of an element, after the element's name.
<A> This element has sets the URL of the destination object for the anchor.
<a href=""> Skillpundit</a>
<A> Names the anchor so that it may be a target of another anchor.
<a name="#top"> Skillpundit</a>
This attribute, as discused is very useful, becuase it can be used to provide tool tip information for the link.
<img src="img/SkillPundit-Historical-Monument-Tajmahal.jpg" title="Skillpundit-Image"> </body>

To target a link so that the result loads in a particular frame, the TARGET attribute is added to the <A> element. Generally, a frame has a name, so setting the TARGET equal to the frame name results in the link loading in the name frame named in the attribute. For example, when selected, a link such as
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="img/SkillPundit-Historical-Monument-Tajmahal.jpg" title="Skillpundit-Image">
</a"> </body>