Hypertext Markup Language
The HTML <marquee></marquee> element is commonly a favorite tag amongst some users. This element allows an area of text to be scrolled in different ways, either direction, speed, etc. This element is a non-standard element, which means that it may not be supported (properly) in browsers. Wikia does not support <marquee>.
<title>Skillpundit</title> </head>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" height="100" width="400" bgcolor="#aee2ef" scrollamount="3px"> <p>Skillpundit | India's No.1 | Learning | Communication Skills </p> </marquee> </br> <p>Updirection</p> <marquee direction="up" height="100" width="400" bgcolor="#fbf6c8" scrollamount="2px"> <p> SkillPundit is the best place to gain knowledge which includes skills like programming, designing, problem solving, general information about our country, reasoning, mental ability etc. SkillPundit is world's best platform to show your talent.</p> </marquee> </body>
<title>Skillpundit</title> </head>
<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left" height="100" width="400" bgcolor="#aee2ef" scrollamount="3px"> <p>Skillpundit | India's No.1 | Learning | Communication Skills </p> </marquee> </br> <p>Updirection</p> <marquee direction="up" height="100" width="400" bgcolor="#fbf6c8" scrollamount="2px"> <p> SkillPundit is the best place to gain knowledge which includes skills like programming, designing, problem solving, general information about our country, reasoning, mental ability etc. SkillPundit is world's best platform to show your talent.</p> </marquee> </body>