Hypertext Markup Language
The <img> tag defines an image in an HTML document. It is an inline element used to designate a holding space for linked images. The <img> element creates a holding space to embed the referenced image designated by the src attribute.
Name | Description |
SRC | The SRC attribute of the element equal to the URL of the image. |
ALT | The ALT attribute was set to provide alternative text for user agents that do not dispaly image. The ALT attribute's value is typically enclosed in double quotes and may include spaces and other characters. |
TITLE | It is used to provide a TITLE for your image. The text you enter inside the TITLE tag will not be shown to user when a image cannot be displayed. Instead, it is displayed in a popup when a user takes their mouse over to an image. |
HEIGHT & WIDTH | The Value for these attributes is either a positive pixle value or a percentage value from 1 to 100 percent. |
<title>Skillpundit</title> </head> <body>
<img src ="img/Skillpundit-img1.png" title="Skillpundit-HTML"alt="skillPundit" width="150" > <img src ="img/Skillpundit-img1.png" title="Skillpundit-HTML"alt="skillPundit" align="right" > </body>
<title>Skillpundit</title> </head> <body>
<img src ="img/Skillpundit-img1.png" title="Skillpundit-HTML"alt="skillPundit" width="150" > <img src ="img/Skillpundit-img1.png" title="Skillpundit-HTML"alt="skillPundit" align="right" > </body>

Left Alignment

Right Alignment