Hypertext Markup Language
The element delimits the beginning and the end of and HTML document. It contains only the <head> element and the <body> element.
Element names are not case-sensitive. An element such as <hTml> is equivalent to <html> or <HTML>. Element case doesn't matter to a browser. Howerver, writing elements consistently in upper - or lowercase makes <HTML> documents easier to understand and maintain by people.
Tags | Description |
<HTML> | The element delimits the beginning and the end of an HTML document. It contains only by the <HEAD> element and the <BODY> element. |
<HEAD> | The element encloses a document section that contains identification and supplementary information about the document. |
<TITLE> | The element must be used in every HTML document. It gives an HTML document a title by which it is known to browsers and indexing robots. |
<BODY> | Common Attributes for this element affect the colors for a document's text, background, and links. These attributes include TEXT for text color, BGCOLOR for background color, ALINK for active link color. |
Structure of HTML
This HTML elements generally consist of a pair of angle bracketed tags surrounding some text.
The end tag (</TAG>) is just like the start tag (<TAG>), except that it has a slash (/) in it, as shown here.