32. Python Program to calculate Monthly Income of a Person.
How does this program work?
- In this program you are going to learn about how to calculate Monthly Income of a Person following given Sales Commission Schedule using Python.
- Here we are using if and nested if..else statements.
- After that By using the given Conditions Monthly income will be Calculated.
Here is the code
income = int(input( "Enter the income: "))
com = 0
if income >= 50000:
com = 375 + ( income * 16) /100
elif income <= 50000 and income >= 40000:
com = 370 + (income * 14)/100
elif income <= 40000 and income >= 30000:
com = 325 + ( income * 12 ) /100
elif income <= 30000 and income >= 20000:
com = 300 + (income * 9)/100
elif income <= 20000 and income >= 10000:
com = 250 + (income * 5)/100
elif income <= 10000:
com = 200 + (income * 3)/100
print( "Commission: ",com)