Python Program to Calculate Electricity Bill using ‘if’ statement.
How does this program work?
- This code helps to how to Calculate Electricity Bill using ‘if’ statement.
Here is the code
m = int(input("Enter current meter number: "))
bill = 0.0
if( m == 1234):
c = int ( input ( "Choose Category: " ))
if (c == 1):
s = 20;
u = int(input("Enter number of units consumed: "))
if (u > 0 and u < 50):
bill = (u * 0.25) + s;
elif ( u > = 50 and u < 150):
bill = (u * 0.55) + s
elif (u >= 150 and u < 300):
bill = (u * 0.80) + s
elif (u >= 300 and u <500):
bill = (u * 1) + s
elif (u >= 500 and u<1000 ):
bill = (u * 2) + s
print("Invalid Units")
print("Current meter number: ",m)
print("Number of units consumed: ",u)
print("Selected Category: ",c)
print("Your bill amount: %.2f"%bill)
elif (c == 2):
s = 35;
u = int(input("Enter number of units consumed: "))
if (u > 0 and u < 50):
bill = (u * 1.35) + s;
elif (u >= 50 and u < 150):
bill = (u * 2.15) + s
elif (u >= 150 and u < 300):
bill = (u * 3) + s
elif (u >= 300 and u < 500):
bill = (u * 3.5) + s
elif (u >= 500 and u<1000):
bill = (u * 6) + s
print("Invalid Units")
print("Current meter number: ", m)
print("Number of units consumed: ", u)
print("Selected Category: ", c
print("Your bill amount: %.2f" % bill)
elif(c== 3):
s = 65;
u = int(input("Enter number of units consumed: "))
if (u > 0 and u < 50):
bill = (u * 3) + s;
elif (u >= 50 and u < 150):
bill = (u * 4.5) + s
elif (u >= 150 and u < 300):
bill = (u * 5.5) + s
elif (u >= 300 and u <500):
bill = (u * 6.8) + s
elif (u >= 500 and u<1000 ):
bill = (u * 9) + s
print("invalid Units")
print("Current meter number: ", m)
print("Number of units consumed: ", u)
print("Selected Category: ", c)
print("Your bill amount: %.2f" % bill)
print("Wrong choice")
print("Wrong pin number")
![SkillPundit: How to Calculate electricity bill using if How to Calculate electricity bill using if SkillPundit](img/SkillPundit-python-electricity-bill-program.jpg)