Python Program to write Lottery Logic using ‘if’ statement.
you wan Car
print ("Welcome to Skillpundit")
l = int (input("Enter Your Lucky Coupon Number: "))
if (l== 1917) or (l==3036) or (l==3021):
print ("you wan Car:")
elif (l==6964) or (l==7075) or (l==8097) :
print ("you Won a Bike")
elif (l==6685) or (l==2048) or ( l==9989) :
print("You Won A Gift Coupon")
print("You Are Not A Winner ")
print("Better Luck Next TIme")
How does this program work?
- This code helps to how to write Lottery Program using ‘if’ statement.
Here is the code
l = int (input("Enter Your Lucky Coupon Number: "))
if (l== 1917) or (l==3036) or (l==3021):
print ("you wan Car:")
elif (l==6964) or (l==7075) or (l==8097) :
print ("you Won a Bike")
elif (l==6685) or (l==2048) or ( l==9989) :
print("You Won A Gift Coupon")
print("You Are Not A Winner ")
print("Better Luck Next TIme")